A Most Beautiful Man!

Yesterday, we attended Darcy’s memorial service. He lost his life on March 10, 2019, on his way to Nairobi to represent MAPS (Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary) at the United Nations Environment Assembly. This journey was undertaken on personal time, a labour of a lifelong commitment to helping provide a healthier future for life on earth.

He leaves all of us with holes of different sizes and shapes in our lives, yet his own life managed to fill our hearts with the possibility of what we can each become. We can do with our own lives as Darcy did with his: this is noble personal vision indeed!

So for those of you who wish to build on his example, this blog is a call to Yes, And! Darcy’s life:

  • lead yourself to a place of acceptance and growth before you deign to lead others; this will most likely require removing personal interferences, or “barnacles” as Darcy called them
  • deeply anchor your mindset in servant leadership, so that your skills are built first on listening and understanding
  • always make it clear to others that their choices in life belong to them and help them see the possibility that lies ahead
  • be as well-prepared as you can be, process can be a powerful foundation for progress
  • become an explorer: be curious about the world around you. Never done it before? Give it a try, you might surprise yourself AND you will earn the respect of others

We would love to see what others would add here, to help us each emulate a life lived “all in”.

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